I found this fun little over survey at follow your arrow. :) Perfect for a day when you don't want to do anything, right? Let's pretend it's still the weekend and we're just hanging out.
- Softball/baseball/basketball concession stand worker in high school
- Summer day camp counselor for ages 6-12 years old for three summers
- Advertising/social media editor for about nine months after I got my first degrees
- Temp! I was a temp for a company that manufactures medical devices for about four months after I graduated undergrad.

Four movies I’ve watched more than once:
- Love Actually
- Up!
- You've Got Mail
- The Indiana Jones movies (mostly the first and third... I don't like the second much)
Four places I’ve lived:
- Jacksonville, New Jersey
- Springfield, Missouri
- Decatur, Illinois
- Lawrence, Kansas
Four TV shows I watch:
- Big Bang Theory
- Almost Human
- How I Met Your Mother
- Bones
Four places I have been (I chose some of my favorites:):
- The Lake District in England
- The Globe Theater in London
- Crater Lake in Oregon
- Loch Ness and the Highlands in Scotland
- Love Actually
- Up!
- You've Got Mail
- The Indiana Jones movies (mostly the first and third... I don't like the second much)
Four places I’ve lived:
- Jacksonville, New Jersey
- Springfield, Missouri
- Decatur, Illinois
- Lawrence, Kansas
Four TV shows I watch:
- Big Bang Theory
- Almost Human
- How I Met Your Mother
- Bones
Four places I have been (I chose some of my favorites:):
- The Lake District in England
- The Globe Theater in London
- Crater Lake in Oregon
- Loch Ness and the Highlands in Scotland
Four favorite foods:
- Pasta
- Broccoli
- Cheese
- Ice cream
Four places I’d rather be right now:
- On a beach somewhere lovely and warm
... that's all.
Four things I’m looking forward to this year:
- Graduating! (again)
- Climbing Mt. St. Helen's
- Running some good races
- Getting a big kid job
Your turn! Answer one of these in the comments! Go!
When I got to your 4 favorite foods? I wanted to shout, "WE ARE THE SAME PERSON!" Those are all my favorites. I just might need to add a fifth for pizza. :P
I love Love, Actually and Up! and Big Bang and HIMYM. I told Michael I want to run away to the beach. And I've BEEN to NJ, MO, IL, and KS. So that's something. :)
I, like you and Kate, have the same four fave foods. Yum.
Great post! I don't even know how many times I watched Love Actually! That movie is soo good!
Four Things I'm Looking Forward To This Year:
Graduation! I totally agree :)
My Road Trip. Literally can't wait.
Getting A Job! Finally doing something with my life.
Having A Boyfriend! It's about god damn time if you ask me!!
I love this post and the office, get it girl ;)
Loch Ness! Okay, this is the SECOND time today this has come up AND I'm reading Outlander right now (book 1). I feel like it's a sign. I don't know what it's a sign of, just that it's a sign.
Hahah I love this!
four shows I watch:
Big Bang Theory
Grey's Anatomy
Law & Order SVU
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